German Datacenter Conference - 2 / 3 September 2024, Bad Vilbel - Frankfurt
Annual Strategy & Networking Conference on Datacenter and Digital Infrastructure

At the VILCO Congress Center, 600 participants experienced a broad spectrum of expert presentations and panel discussions by and with interdisciplinary speakers. The agenda offered high-quality impulses on technologies, strategies, investments and regulations in the data center industry. There was also room for highly qualified networking, professional exchange and deep-dive.

The speakers included experienced experts in their fields from all over Europe. In keeping with GDA's mission to serve as an active discussion and negotiation partner for all data center stakeholders, the panelists included representatives from local governments as well as federal and EU policymakers.

German Datacenter Conference & GDA Young Talent Award Ceremony

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In 2023, we were once again able to attract numerous industry experts who facilitated an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas at the professional level. In addition, we hosted representatives from politics and administration for an exchange at the political level.

After all, in the past twelve months, regulations have emerged at several levels that explicitly relate to data centers. It has become clear how important it is to enter into an open dialog to find a way how we can manage together to make the data center industry fit for the future.

Anna Klaft |Chairwoman



Niddastraße 1
61118 Bad Vilbel

Hotel recommendation

Datacenter Outlook Germany 2023 / 24

As part of the first German Datacenter Conference (GDC), the German Datacenter Association published the Datacenter Outlook Germany 2023 / 24. Just like the many keynotes and discussions at the GDC, the publication outlines both the current status of Germany as a data center location - in terms of market growth, sustainability and trends - and provides an outlook on developments in the near future. Views from some of the experts who also had their say at GDC - on current and upcoming developments, technical trends and innovations - round off Datacenter Outlook Germany 2023 / 24.


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